DotA – What is DotA?
DotA is a custom map of Warcraft III – Reign of Chaos and its extensions, Warcraft III – The Frozen Throne. The date of the first appearance of the card is not 100% clear, but it was somewhere in 2003.
There were many different cards that were developed in the first DotA mod, but the one that finally became dominant was developed by Steve Fick, also known as Guinsoo.
After about 2 years, the development was transferred to the cartographer under the nickname “Ice Frog”, who has since worked on it.
Unlike most real-time strategy games, you don’t control the race and you must build a base, gather resources, expand, etc in boostmmr. At the beginning, you select one of the 104 unique characters that are sorted by 3 main criteria; strength, intelligence and dexterity. There are several game modes in which you can choose between a specific set of heroes or similar, but I will not go into details, as it will take a long time to explain each individual mode.
After choosing a hero, you buy an item, start extracting gold and go to the alley. Approximately 1 minute and 30 seconds after the start of the game, your allied spiky hairs will appear in your base. There are 3 different lanes in which the creeps will enter, there are 3 towers in each line. These towers are very strong at first, but they lose their importance, the longer the game lasts, since the heroes also get stronger. Then, from both teams, “Sentinel” and “Scourge”, generate spiky hairs. The creeps are computer controlled and evenly balanced if the characters do not interfere.
The main objective of the game is to cross one or all 3 lines, enter the base of the opponent and destroy its main building, for the Sentinel is the “Tree of the World”, and for the Scourge is the “Throne of Ice”. Before actually destroying the main building of the enemy team, you can also destroy its “barracks.” Each lane has 2 of them, and for every 1 you destroy, your own creeps get stronger, giving you an advantage.
To achieve your goal, you must increase the level of your hero, you do it by standing next to the enemy’s creeps to gain experience. For each level you earn, you get a skill point. You have 3 different skills and 1 final skill. You can increase the level of each skill to level 4 and the maximum to level 3. The remaining 10 skill points are used to improve your statistics.
In addition to leveling up, you must also cultivate gold to buy powerful items. You do it with the last blow to enemy enemies or neutral enemies found throughout the map.