Effective Medication for Weight control
One can think is it possible to lose weight through pills yes as but one may think how the functioning of the pills occurs and how best are the results . The major functions of this medication are to alter or regulate one or many process in the human metabolic system, the medication which is used to control weight or loss weight is called as obesity medication or weight loss pills.
Weight loss control Pills functioning:
The following mechanism help to work during the usage of the weight loss pills in which the pills increases the body metabolism , some pills acts as the appetite suppressants , some act directly or block or prevent fat absorption , some pills help in the inhibition of digestion which will in turn lower the caloric level absorption in the body.
In some people hyper thyroids also play an important role as they can accumulate more calories and for which some pills are designed as per the requirement to shed out maximum calories and in return it will help in reduction of the weight.
Obesity Medication:
One can view the effective pills till date but the pills are fine to consume but some are considered to be stimulants and they are recommended for only for the short term usage. The weight loss can be achieved by diet and exercise but for some who cannot do this activities daily are the people who go for the medication in the last stage or resort.
Orlistat : This is the medication which will decrease the fat absorption inside the intestine by cutting the pancreatic lipase enzyme. The most effect is frequent bowel movements with oily pattern. The symptoms will improve as the fat diet is increased.
Cetilistat: This also works same as Orlistat but it is majorly used to treat obesity and it is better tolerated than Orilstat.
Lorcaserin: This is an appetite suppressor which will control the appetite of a person.
Sibutramine : This is a appetite suppressor which will control the appetite of a person .
Summing Up:
The medication are to alter or regulate one or many process in the human metabolic system, the medication which is used to control weight or loss weight is called as obesity medication or weight loss pills.